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Working Together to
Make Great Education Even Better

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Working Together to
Make Great Education Even Better

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Working Together to
Make Great Education Even Better

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Working Together to
Make Great Education Even Better

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The North Haven Education Foundation encourages and supports academic excellence through grants that enhance opportunities for students and the community beyond the conventional school resources.

How We Help

Ways to Give

Grant Application


Venier Spectrophotometer Purchase

“[provides] students with experience that aids in preparation for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) testing by using engineering practices to analyze data and draw conclusions about what the patterns reveal.” 

Juliet Nichols
Science Teacher, NHHS

Musical Production

“Receiving funding for a musical production has long term benefit to both the school and district. Creating an atmosphere in an extracurricular activity like a musical helps to foster a safe environment for students to grow as human beings.”

Jacqlyn Giordano
NHMS Language Arts teacher

Montowese’s Book Club

“The NHEF grant has allowed us to purchase popular, high-demand titles for the book clubs.” 

Corki Cuomo
5th Grade Teacher, Montowese

After School Photography Program

“The after school photography program was a great experience. It helped me to understand things about photography that I never knew. It also helped me decide on my freshman year electives and served as a stepping stone for a possible future career.”

Abigail Oduro
Current 9th Grade NHHS and Photo 1 Student